Planning a trip to Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India
- Itinerary
- Hotels
- Experiences
- Things to Carry
Things to do in Manali in March
Spend day in Bir and visit local cafes and experience the local food.
Relaxed afternoon
Join back the group and watch local entertainment.
Say goodbye to Delhi
End of Trip
March is generally a pleasant time to visit Manali, with mild temperatures and mostly sunny skies. However, occasional snowfall or rain is possible. So we are suggesting you pack accordingly.
Things to Carry on your trip to Manali
Clothing & Apparel
Warm jacket -
Preferably windproof and waterproof for any unexpected weather conditions
Base layer clothing -
Comfortable, moisture-wicking fabrics for warmth and breathability
Fleece or sweater -
For added warmth and layering options
Comfortable pants or leggings -
For exploring and outdoor activities
Hiking boots or sturdy shoes -
For uneven terrain and walking comfort
Hat, gloves, and scarf -
For protection from cold and wind
Sunglasses -
For sun protection
Swimsuit (optional) -
For any potential hotel or resort pools
Suggest Products to Purchase
Small backpack or daypack -
For carrying essentials and extra layers
Reusable water bottle -
For hydration during activities
Headlamp or flashlight -
For evening or early morning activities
First-aid kit -
For minor emergencies
Toiletries and personal care items -
Essentials like toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc.
Sunscreen -
For sun protection
Insect repellent -
To keep bugs away
Travel towel (optional) -
For quick drying after any water activities
Suggest Products to Purchase
Essentials & Must Haves
Passport or ID card -
For identification purposes
Travel documents -
Including train tickets, hotel bookings, etc.
Money and credit cards -
For expenses and purchases
Travel insurance (recommended) -
For unexpected events and emergencies
Medications (if any) -
Prescriptions and over-the-counter medications
Travel pillow (optional) -
For comfort during train travel
Suggest Products to Purchase
Good to have
Travel umbrella -
For unexpected rainfall
Small umbrella or foldable fan -
To beat the sun or heat
Small notebook and pen -
For notes or journaling
Camera (optional) -
To capture memories
Binoculars (optional) -
For wildlife viewing or scenic vistas
Suggest Products to Purchase
Smartphone -
For communication, navigation, and photos
Power bank -
To keep devices charged
Travel adapter -
If necessary for your devices
Headphones or earphones -
For music or entertainment
Laptop or tablet (optional) -
For work or entertainment purposes