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Planning a trip to Paro, Bhutan

13th Mar to 18th Mar, 2024Moderate Budget Train
Thrill-seeking & Adventure Looking for Buddy
  • Itinerary
  • Hotels
  • Experiences
  • Things to Carry

Things to do in Paro in March

Day 1 - Wednesday 13th, Mar
afternoon -

Arrival at Paro International Airport and transfer to the hotel

evening -

Explore Paro town and try some local Bhutanese cuisine

Day 2 - Thursday 14th, Mar
morning -

Hike to the Tiger's Nest Monastery (Paro Taktsang)

afternoon -

River rafting on Paro Chhu River

evening -

Traditional hot stone bath to relax after an adventurous day

Day 3 - Friday 15th, Mar
morning -

Train journey from Paro to Thimphu

afternoon -

Visit the Motithang Takin Preserve and learn about Bhutan's national animal, the Takin

evening -

Explore the local market for handicrafts and souvenirs

Day 4 - Saturday 16th, Mar
morning -

Biking tour through the hills and valleys of Thimphu

afternoon -

Archery lessons, the national sport of Bhutan

evening -

Enjoy a traditional Bhutanese meal at a local restaurant

Day 5 - Sunday 17th, Mar
morning -

Train journey back to Paro

afternoon -

Explore Rinpung Dzong, a traditional Bhutanese monastery and fortress

evening -

Attend a traditional Bhutanese cultural show

Day 6 - Monday 18th, Mar
morning -

Flight back to Hyderabad, India

afternoon -

Departure from Paro

evening -

Arrival in Hyderabad and end of the trip

Weather in Paro in Invalid date
Avg Temp5°C to 15°C
Chance of Rain30%

March in Paro is generally mild, with average temperatures ranging from 5 to 15 degrees Celsius. There is a chance of rain, so be sure to pack a raincoat. So we are suggesting you pack accordingly.

Travel eSims for Bhutan

*Travel eSims are a great way to stay connected while travelling. They are easy to set up online, no need to visit a store, and can be used in multiple countries. They are a data saver compared to international roaming and are compatible with most phones.

Things to Carry on your trip to Paro

Clothing & Apparel

Warm Jacket -

Paro has cold nights and mornings

T-shirts -

Layers are always a good idea

Comfortable pants -

For exploring the city and the monasteries

Rain jacket -

Paro gets good amounts of rainfall

Hiking shoes -

For exploring the Tiger's Nest Monastery


Hat -

Sun protection

Sunglasses -

Sun protection

Scarf -

For warmth and style

Gloves -

For cold weather

Camera -

To capture the beauty of Paro

Essentials & Must Haves

Passport and Visa -

Required for entry into Bhutan

Travel insurance -

For unexpected events

First-aid kit -

For minor injuries

Cash -

Bhutanese Ngultrum (BTN) is the official currency

Credit cards -

May be accepted in some places

Good To Have

Trekking poles -

For hiking the Tiger's Nest Monastery

Water bottle -

Stay hydrated

Snacks -

For energy boosts

Guidebook -

For information about Paro

Local SIM card -

For staying connected


Phone -

Stay connected

Charger -

Keep your devices powered

Headphones -

For listening to music or podcasts

Power bank -

For charging devices on the go

Travel adapter -

For charging devices in Bhutan

Good to Knows

Payment Options -

Bhutanese Ngultrum (BTN) is the official currency. Credit cards may be accepted in some places, but it's best to have cash on hand.

Travel Apps in Paro


Local Experiences in Paro, Bhutan

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