Travel Itinerary for Amsterdam, Netherlands by Trip Garuda
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Planning a trip to Tanzania

31st Mar to 5th Apr, 2024Moderate Budget Flight
Local Experiences & Local Cuisine Looking for Buddy
  • Itinerary
  • Hotels
  • Flights
  • Experiences
  • Things to Carry

Things to do in Tanzania in March

Day 1 - Monday 1st, Apr
morning -

Arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport

afternoon -

Check into a comfortable hotel in Arusha

evening -

Explore the local cuisine at Khan's Barbeque and Grill

Day 2 - Tuesday 2nd, Apr
morning -

Visit the Arusha Declaration Museum to learn about Tanzania's history and culture

afternoon -

Lunch at Indoitaliano Restaurant for a fusion of Indian and Italian cuisines

evening -

Stroll through the Maasai Market to enjoy local crafts, art, and souvenirs

Day 3 - Wednesday 3rd, Apr
morning -

Embark on a safari tour in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area

afternoon -

Enjoy a picnic lunch amidst the stunning nature of Ngorongoro Crater

evening -

Relax and dine at Gibb's Farm, known for its farm-to-table dining experience

Day 4 - Thursday 4th, Apr
morning -

Take an early morning hot air balloon ride over the Serengeti for a breathtaking view of the wildlife

afternoon -

Lunch at the Serengeti Serena Safari Lodge with panoramic views of the wilderness

evening -

Experience a traditional African dinner and cultural dance at the Ikoma Tented Camp

Day 5 - Friday 5th, Apr
morning -

Fly to Zanzibar and check into a beachside resort

afternoon -

Relax on the stunning beaches of Zanzibar and enjoy a seafood lunch at The Rock Restaurant

evening -

Explore the vibrant Forodhani Gardens for local street food and cultural performances

Day 6 - Saturday 6th, Apr
morning -

Relax on the beach or take a leisurely walk along the coastline before departure

afternoon -

Lunch at Emerson Spice for a taste of Swahili cuisine in a historic setting

evening -

Departure from Zanzibar and return to Kilimanjaro International Airport for the flight back to Amsterdam

Weather in Tanzania in Invalid date
Avg Temp20°C to 30°C
Chance of Rain10%
Seasonlate rainy season

March in Tanzania is generally warm and dry, with average temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius. It is the tail end of the rainy season, so there is a slight chance of rain, but it is unlikely to be significant. The UV index is high, so it is important to take precautions to protect yourself from the sun. So we are suggesting you pack accordingly.

Travel eSims for Tanzania

*Travel eSims are a great way to stay connected while travelling. They are easy to set up online, no need to visit a store, and can be used in multiple countries. They are a data saver compared to international roaming and are compatible with most phones.

Things to Carry on your trip to Tanzania

Clothing & Apparel

T-shirts -

Light, breathable, and moisture-wicking fabrics are recommended

Hiking pants or shorts -

For comfort and durability during activities

Light jacket -

For cooler evenings or unexpected weather

Comfortable walking shoes or hiking boots -

For exploring the parks and wildlife

Swimsuit -

If you plan on visiting any beaches or lakes


Hat -

To protect from the sun

Sunglasses -

To protect from the sun's glare

Scarf -

For warmth or as a headscarf

Insect repellent -

To keep away insects

Sunblock -

To protect from the sun's harmful UV rays

Essentials & Must Haves

Passport and visa -

Make sure your passport is valid and you have obtained the necessary visa

Travel insurance -

To protect against any unexpected events

First-aid kit -

For minor injuries and ailments

Basic toiletries -

Including soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and deodorant

Hand sanitizer -

To maintain hygiene

Good to have

Binoculars -

For wildlife viewing

Camera -

To capture the beautiful scenery and wildlife

Guidebook or travel app -

For information and guidance during your trip

Reusable water bottle -

To stay hydrated and reduce waste

Snacks -

For quick energy boosts


Phone and charger -

For communication and navigation

Camera -

For capturing memories

Headphones -

For listening to music or podcasts

Power bank -

To keep your electronics charged

Universal travel adapter -

To ensure you can charge your electronics anywhere

Good to Knows

Payment Options -

Both cash and cards are widely accepted in Tanzania. However, it is advisable to carry a mix of both for convenience and flexibility.

Travel Apps in Tanzania

Food Delivery Apps in Tanzania

Local Experiences in Tanzania

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